7. Measure Your Success

How do you know if the National Diabetes Prevention Program (National DPP) lifestyle change program is achieving what you intend it to? We’ll take you through a quick process aimed at setting you up to address the following questions:

  • Are we screening and testing enough of our population to find those who are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes and eligible for the program?
  • Are we enrolling employees who are eligible for the program?
  • Are employees who enroll sticking with the program?
  • Are we seeing the expected effect on the health and productivity of program participants?

We’ll also help you set goals that are meaningful for your organization, identify supporting metrics, and give you a place to easily track your progress toward meeting your program goals. You’ll start by entering data for some measures at the beginning of your planning process. For other measures, you’ll gather the data after your program has been in place for a while. We’ll help you get your systems in place, and then we’ll remind you to come back and update your metrics as you get data reports from your vendors and partners.

What’s the end result of this process? Your Healm Dashboard. See Figure 1 for an example of what your Dashboard will look like. Once you’ve reviewed the information presented here, we encourage you to begin populating your own Dashboard. If you think you need help, a Healm Guide can schedule a time to meet with you. Use the Support button to submit a request for help.

Figure 1. Healm Dashboard Example