9. Implement and Sustain Your Program

Encourage Participant Retention

Participant retention means the ability to keep participants active in the National DPP lifestyle change program over time. Retention strategies often correspond with engagement strategies. Review your engagement and retention plan to look for ways to encourage continued participation. You can promote retention in several ways, including:
  • Provide incentives: Develop an incentive model that encourages participants to stay in the program for the full 12 months. Consider what types of incentives will be given at what time. For example, you can give cash or vouchers when participants achieve certain goals to encourage active participation.
  • Promote socialization: Provide opportunities for participants to socialize. Meaningful social relationships can serve both as support and as an incentive for participants to prioritize staying in the program.
  • Maintain active communication: Communicate with participants throughout the program and assess their ability and interest in continued participation. Identify and address factors that will promote ongoing participation, such as the time of day the program is offered or the location.
  • Combine the program with other wellness activities: Consider how the National DPP lifestyle change program fits with other existing benefits, policies, or supports in your organization. If needed, you can adjust policies or add benefits that align with the goals of the program. For example, you could promote other benefits, such as gym memberships or wellness seminars, during the program’s classes. You might also decide to adjust organizational policies to make it easier for participants to reach their goals (for example, allowing employees to attend classes during work hours).
  • Encourage leadership buy-in: Continuous support for the program from your leadership, including at the managerial level, can instill a culture of wellness at your organization. This support can come in different forms, such as not scheduling meetings at times when employees are participating in the program’s classes.