9. Implement and Sustain Your Program

Prepare to Implement and Sustain Your Benefit

Prepare to Implement Your Benefit

As you work with your vendors and partners to implement the National DPP lifestyle change program in your organization, use the Healm Dashboard to plan how you will track your progress toward meeting your program goals. If you’re implementing a new program, start by assessing your organization’s readiness by reviewing the checklist below. Pulled from the National Diabetes Prevention Program Coverage Toolkit this readiness assessment will help you quickly identify any final steps you may need to take before your program starts.

Readiness Checklist

  • Decision makers in my organization have agreed to move forward with implementing the National DPP lifestyle change program as a covered benefit.
  • We’ve explored and understand program structure (such as the Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program Standards for CDC-recognized organizations).
  • We understand the available National DPP lifestyle change program delivery options (in person, online, distance learning, or a combination) and have decided which option(s) we want to offer.
  • We’ve connected with CDC-recognized organization(s) and are discussing contracting options, if applicable.
  • We’ve identified program eligibility criteria and know how to do outreach to screen for eligibility and other factors and how to enroll participants.
  • We’ve estimated the costs, both direct and indirect, of implementing the National DPP lifestyle change program for our employees, and we have a budget.
  • We’ve chosen a CDC-recognized organization to provide the National DPP lifestyle change program and discussed a payment structure and made decisions about billing and invoicing, if applicable.
  • We’ve developed an implementation plan and have a start date to implement the program.
  • We have an engagement and marketing plan that includes how we will recruit and refer people who are eligible to the program.
  • We’ve developed a strategy for supporting enrollment and retention

Prepare to Sustain and Grow Your Benefit

After you’ve offered the National DPP lifestyle change program for the first time, think about how you can keep it going. The outcomes of your first cohort of participants and your internal priorities can help you determine what you’ll need to sustain the program in future years. Start thinking about how you will expand and sustain your program during the planning process and during implementation. Use what you learn from your dashboard to monitor, adapt, and improve your program over time.Think about what additional support you’ll need to help you retain participants, continue to engage your organizational leaders, and take advantage of other resources and tools to promote and expand your program.

Use the considerations below to reflect on your program performance. Your Healm dashboard and metrics page can be very useful at this stage.

Sustainability Considerations

  • Did most of your employees report satisfaction with the program?
  • Did the target number of employees enroll in the program?
  • Did the target number of employees complete the program?
  • Did the program meet your program goals for the year?
  • Are there additional eligible employees who may be interested in participating in the program in future years?
  • Did the program cost the expected amount?
  • Did you collect or track the data you needed to assess whether the program was successful?