3. Explore Program Options

Learn About Program Costs and Reimbursement Models

Program Costs

Costs for the National DPP lifestyle change program may be influenced by several factors, including how the benefit is administered and how the payment or reimbursement model is structured. CDC estimates direct delivery costs to be $800 for each participant who completes all 22 sessions of the yearlong program (16 weekly sessions during the first 6 months and 6 monthly sessions during the second 6 months). Another $500 may be needed to cover the cost of strategies designed to increase the likelihood of successful participation, remove barriers to participation, provide access to virtual components, provide program incentives, or address participant needs related to the social determinants of health.
Investing in the National DPP lifestyle change program can save you money in direct costs by reducing medical and pharmacy claims and in indirect costs by reducing employee absences and increasing productivity. For more information about return on investment and value on investment, see the Cost and Value web page of the National DPP Coverage Toolkit.

Reimbursement Models

Commercial reimbursement models for coverage of the National DPP lifestyle change program include, but are not limited to, fee-for-service, attendance-based, and performance-based or outcome-based payment.
  • Fee-for-service: Reimbursement provided on a per-employee basis.
  • Attendance-based: Variable reimbursement provided after milestones are met, such as completion of a certain number of program sessions.
  • Performance-based or outcome-based: Variable reimbursement provided based on outcomes, such as weight loss and weight loss maintenance.
  • Combination: A combination of the fee-for-service, attendance-based, or performance-based models.
For more information about reimbursement models and rates, see the Reimbursement Models for Commercial Payers web page of the National DPP Coverage Toolkit.