8. Build Leadership Support

Your National DPP Leadership Report

We want to help you create a report that can be tailored to your organization and shared with your leadership to obtain approval for the National DPP lifestyle change program. A Healm expert Guide will assemble this report on your behalf, using industry information and your inputs into Healm.

Leadership Report Contents

Your Leadership Report will be delivered to you as a PowerPoint file that summarizes information such as: Brief background:
  • Highlights about prediabetes and information on the National DPP lifestyle change program, including the evidence base
  • National, state, and local statistics and program availability
A summary of your inputs in Healm:
  • Current cost and prevalence of type 2 diabetes and prediabetes for your employees
  • Potential cost avoidance information for your organization
  • Estimated program costs
  • Program goals
  • Key decisions

Leadership Report Process

Your Leadership Report will require time to assemble. Please allow at least 14 business days in advance of when you need it. Once you receive your report, we encourage you to tailor it to fit your organization’s brand standards and audience and to align with your specific goals for sharing with your leadership.
Tip We can only make your report as accurate as the information you provide. You may want to schedule a brief consultation with an expert Guide to make sure your inputs are as accurate and current as possible.
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