3. Explore Program Options

Learn About Benefit Administration Options

You learned earlier about various ways a benefit for the National DPP lifestyle change program may be administered. Let’s look at which options may work best for you and your employees.   Expand the sections below to learn more about each option and next steps to consider.

As more commercial health plans and health promotion vendors recognize the importance of type 2 diabetes prevention, the National DPP lifestyle change program is becoming more available as a covered benefit. Currently, over 50 commercial health plans offer the program.

For many employers, the easiest path forward is working with an existing health plan, pharmacy benefits manager, or wellness vendor that already provides coverage. This approach will simplify contracting, benefits administration, program delivery, and payment. Decisions related to these tasks are mostly made for you, based on what the vendor offers.

To find out if your current vendors cover the National DPP lifestyle change program:

Step 1: Visit the National DPP Coverage Toolkit’s Participating Payers and Employers web page and click on Commercial Health Plans to see if your health plan or pharmacy benefits manager covers the program.

Step 2: Reach out to your account manager or appropriate contact. Use the “Key Questions for Employers to Ask Their Health Plan Provider” document in the downloadable resources to help guide your conversation.

Contracting directly with a CDC-recognized organization to provide the National DPP lifestyle change program is a more integrated approach. You will work closely with this organization, which will deliver the program and take on administrative functions such as identifying and enrolling participants, submitting invoices, and managing data.

In many instances, these program providers may be local organizations. Because they’re part of the community, these organizations can provide a unique energy and capitalize on local resources. These resources include investments from your state’s department of health to help increase program availability and access. This option may work well for employers that have previously committed to helping improve the health of the surrounding community because it strengthens partnerships and supports community organizations.

To learn more about this benefit administration option:

  • Step 1: Use the “Need Help” button to access an expert Guide to learn more about National DPP lifestyle change program offering in your local market.
  • Step 2: Visit CDC’s Find A Program web page to locate programs delivered by CDC-recognized organizations that are available near you.
  • Step 3: Let us know on the next page that you’d like to pursue this option, and we’ll provide more specific information to help you.

Becoming a CDC-recognized organization allows you to deliver a program tailored to the specific needs of your workforce. If you choose this option, there are many factors to consider in terms of costs, billing procedures, and delivery methods. This option takes time and investment. Full leadership buy-in and a realistic timeline are critical to success. You’ll also need to ensure clear lines of communication between your program administrator, Lifestyle Coaches, and human resource team.

To gain CDC recognition, you’ll need to show that your organization can meet CDC’s Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (DPRP) Standards and effectively deliver the lifestyle change program. Although you can open your program to people outside of your organization, make sure to prioritize your workforce. Tailor your program to make it as accessible as possible to eligible employees. This option may be a good fit for employers that have the capacity and commitment to invest in health and wellness in their organization and community.

To learn more about becoming a CDC-recognized organization: