3. Explore Program Options

Learn More About Delivery Methods

Now that you have some basic information about program design options, let’s talk about delivery methods and how to decide which method may work best for your organization. The partners you work with and the program offerings available in your area will influence the delivery method you choose. But it’s important to think first about what will work best for your own employees. Choose a method that makes it easy for your employees to participate and allows you to make the program as accessible to as many people as possible.
  • Step 1: Start by reflecting on what you know about your employees. When you’ve offered other programs in the past, what worked best to engage them? Consider reviewing past reports on employee satisfaction, interest, and engagement. This information can guide the planning process.
  • Step 2: Next, to help you choose a delivery method, review the information below and identify your preference.
The National DPP lifestyle change program can be offered in-person, online, through distance learning, or through a combination of these delivery methods. Think about which delivery method will work best for your workforce.

In this delivery method, sessions are delivered 100% in-person for all participants by trained Lifestyle Coaches. Participants are physically present in a classroom or classroom-like setting. Lifestyle Coaches may supplement in-person sessions with handouts, emails, or reminder texts.

You may want to prioritize in-person program delivery if your employees lack access to the Internet or online applications outside of work, have set work schedules, and are more interested in in-person options.

This delivery method may work best for employers that are already providing the National DPP lifestyle change program directly to their employees as a CDC-recognized organization. It may also work best for those that want to contract directly with a local CDC-recognized organization. We’ll explore this topic more in the Learn About Benefit Administration Options section.

If in-person program delivery is a fit for your organization, you’ll need to decide if the program will be offered onsite or offsite.

  • On-site programs allow employees to participate at a worksite location. This option may be preferred if you have classroom space at the location, most employees work at that location, and your employees have adequate access to transportation. In these instances, onsite programs may be more convenient.
  • Off-site programs allow employees to participate at locations away from the worksite, such as at a local hospital, pharmacy, or community center. This option may be preferred under any of the following circumstances: your employees don’t all work at the same location, they have transportation challenges, they prefer to participate outside of work or with others in their community, or they are geographically dispersed. In these instances, offsite programs may provide more flexibility.

In this delivery method, sessions are delivered 100% virtually for all participants, who log into program sessions using a computer, tablet, or smart phone. Participants interact with Lifestyle Coaches at various times and through various communication methods, including online classes, videoconferencing, emails, telephone, and texts.

You may want to prioritize virtual delivery if you have employees who work from home, have varied schedules, are dispersed geographically, and are interested or receptive to virtual programming. This delivery method may work well regardless of which benefit administration options you select. We’ll explore this topic more in the Learn About Benefit Administration Options section.

If virtual program delivery is a fit for your organization, you’ll need to decide if the program will be offered online or through distance learning. 

  • Online learning is more flexible because lessons can be completed at any time during the day. Participants can join sessions whenever they want, allowing them to learn more independently and privately.
  • Distance learning is more scheduled and occurs through a remote classroom or telehealth application, where the Lifestyle Coach is present at the same time as participants.